Want To Move Up The Corporate Ladder? The Coronavirus Crisis Could Be Your Opportunity To Master Being Comfortable With Ambiguity

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There is a Jewish Hasidic song that revolves around one line: “The whole world is a very narrow bridge; the important thing is not to be afraid.” Right now, with the spread of COVID-19, this song feels especially poignant as the entire world is being tested for how well we can all handle living with ambiguity.

Being able to deal with ambiguity is one of the most important traits a leader needs to succeed in their role and, even more importantly, to be able to take on greater leadership roles in the future. Moving up the corporate ladder demands a broadening of perspective — a move from micromanagement of specific details to macro-management of strategy and complex organizational issues.

Contributor: Inbal Arieli, Synthesis co-founder

Note: This is an article originally published on the Forbes website.

“To perform well, leaders need to be prepared to not always be prepared.”